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Sophie Verhalen

Policy Analyst

My Mindset

Mindset offers a unique approach to the challenges facing Washington. The bipartisan team prioritizes their expertise to pave a successful path for clients.

Sophie brings an international affairs perspective to her research and writing experience which helps inform her work.

Sophie supports Mindset clients in the policy areas of trade, supply chain, and energy. Prior to joining Mindset, Sophie held positions regarding international affairs and investment. She worked as an Intern for a Brussels based think tank known as Think Young. She also worked as a student researcher for the Department of State and investigated the impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on global energy supply chains. Most recently, Sophie worked with the Novella Center for Entrepreneurship, a Baltimore based nonprofit which did investment in women and minority owned businesses.


Sophie’s Hidden Talent: she is a rugby player


  • • American University, BA in International Studies
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